Consistent Cash

As an owner or entrepreneur, it is painful to watch your cash swing violently up and down over a period of time. Not understanding what is causing it makes it that much more frustrating.  

What if I told you that you can have a steady stream of cash simply by adjusting how you approach production and sales? It is possible, even for the small businesses that don’t have sales and marketing staffs at their disposal.  

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My Take on the Import Plywood Issue

Everyone in the industry has their opinions as to why these tariffs are taking place. I have a few of my own, but for all intensive purposes, the shop owners that are buying these panels get stuck with the bill and if we are not diligent, then it can cost us our businesses.  

It is an unfortunate situation and we do not have control of the outcome, but we do have control of our pricing.

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[VIDEO] - $1, $10, $100

In a previous article we talked about 3 ways to get 3 things every shop owner wants. Today, we are bringing strategy #3 to life with a real world example from our shop. 

Let’s review our example to highlight the $1, $10, $100 thought process and then take a look at our video to see what it looks like in our shop. 

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What is a Vision and Why is it Important?

I will admit that, at first, I did not understand the purpose of a vision statement. I just thought it to be something of a website filler or a cool banner hanging in the shop.

On the contrary, a vision is much more than that. A vision serves as a guide for every decision the company and employees make. It is your guide for the present and the future.

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Pillars of Lean, Part 3: Adding Customer Value

In the last two weeks, we dove deep into the lean pillars of Eliminating Waste and Continuous Improvement. This week are diving into Adding Value for our customers.

Remember, understanding these pillars on a deeper level IS WORTH IT. Once you understand and see the implications of lean in your shop, you will jump in with all you’ve got and NEVER look back.

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Pillars of Lean, Part 2: Continuous Improvement

In last article, we laid the foundation of pillars of lean and discussed the impact of eliminating the waste. Understanding pillars of lean on a deeper level IS WORTH IT. Once you understand and see the implications of lean in your shop, you will jump in with all you’ve got and NEVER look back.

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How to Fire Yourself

Have you ever walked into your job and it’s just one of those days when you wish that you could just fire yourself?

Well I say, let's quit talking about it and just do it!

As we mentioned before, firing yourself is absolutely key to your shop succeeding and growing in value and it's one the most rewarding experiences I've ever had as a business owner. 

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This is Your Brain. This is Your Brain on LEAN.

If you grew up with my generation you no doubt remember the anti-drug ad with the frying pan and the egg.  The message was simple and the ad if nothing else left a mark.

Before writing this article, I was driving down the road thinking about our production flow and thought to myself that I am brain fried right now with this LEAN stuff! You can’t unsee waste.  Once you start viewing the world through waste goggles you start realizing it (waste) is everywhere.

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Importance of Standardizing Cabinet Dimensions

Take a deep dive into your cabinet design and see what things you do that maybe are not necessary or creating more value for the customer. Are there things you do just because ‘that’s the way we have always done it’?

Start with those items and see if you can standardize them to make them easier and better.

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$1, $10, $100

Between our corrections and his input, we are building a foundation of excellent processes and quality control that produces reliable, consistently high quality product, day in day out.  

Systemizing your own processes and prioritizing quality will result in three things every shop owner wants: happier customers, the ability to provide products on a schedule, and few defects, if any.  

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Is there Any Money in the Cabinet Industry?

When you first start out in the cabinet business, excitement and possibility fuel you, but soon a reality hits: It is really, really hard to make money. With that reality comes the question we all hate but can’t help but ask, “Is there any money in the cabinet business?”

This is a question that I have asked myself on more than one occasion and if you would have asked me in the first couple years of my business, then I would have answered with an emphatic, “No!”  

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What Holds You Back From Growth Right Now?

What do you want?  

Seems like a simple question, right? I am not talking about right now but what do you want for the long road? Do you want to retire, sell, make a million dollars, or make a billion? Do you want to have a business that gives as its mission and that drives sales?

What do you want?

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Quality: Set it & Don't Forget it.

In this day of super connectivity, it seems that social media is the stage for looking as good as we can. This is not going to be that kind of article.

As a manufacturer, one of the most important things we do is control our quality. Without quality, we will not have customers.  

I am sure we have all heard the quote, “When it rains, it pours.” For me, this week was a monsoon when it came to trouble with quality. 

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Building an A-Team

No doubt we have all heard it before, “Great businesses are built with great people.”Easier said than done.

Learning how to truly team build changed our business and it will change yours too. There is no better feeling as an owner when you make a great hire and it moves your company forward, closer to your goals.  

So how do you go about making those kinds of hires? How do you go about building an A-team?

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