How to Increase Cabinet Sales by Amping Up Your Customer Service
Some call it the “Concierge Service.” We call it the “Experience Package.”
When customers are making a major purchase like new cabinets, it is an emotional purchase. Emotional purchases need a different kind of customer service. They need the Experience Package.
What do I mean when I say the “Experience Package”? Think Disney World.
“Emotional purchases need a different kind of customer service. They need the “Experience Package.””
They have got it figured out. If you have ever been, then you know exactly what I mean. The details are all taken care of so all that is left for you to do is have the time of your life.
But how can we recreate that on a budget that is a lot less than several billion dollars?
That is exactly what we are going to layout in this article. We are going to explore a few tips for making our customers raving fans, not just a paycheck. This matters not only so that customers get the service they deserve, but because we we want those happy customers to generate positive talk about our services.
If you did not read that stat, please go back and read it. Our new customers have a high probability of coming from our past customers. That means we have to get customer service right.
you have to dig
In my operation, we are continually trying to figure out how to provide excellent customer support while not compromising our efficient ways of operating. Let me share a few of the tips and tricks we have picked up along the way.
I was first moved to write this article because of an email my salesperson sent me from a happy customer. She was absolutely tickled with the product and could not wait to show it off to whomever she could.
That’s awesome, but what was the preface to that moment? What were the steps that led to that raving fan, and more importantly, can they be repeated?
I am still learning in life and in business that there is a way to repeat any action. You just have to be willing to do the digging to figure out what caused that action in the first place and then develop reasonable steps to do it again, and again, and again.
Acquire More Loyal Customers
Click Here to Download Tips & Tricks for Excellent Customer Service
the keys to the experience package
After doing some digging of our own, here are what we’ve found to be the keys to better customer service.
Invest in the Customer
If you look at a customer as someone you will have for life, that will change your thought process on how to treat them.
A customer is an investment of your time. A customer is one of your most valuable resources outside of your employees.
Start investing in the customer by simply getting complete contact information for them. I know this sounds trivial, but we struggled with this for quite a while and it is something we slip on from time to time.
There is nothing more embarrassing than not being able to get in touch with your customer because you took poor or incomplete notes. Not to mention, that contact information is going to be vital for the customer service keys we are going to talk about next.
Sequence and Automate Your Follow Up
Follow up is a pain, but it's vital. What if I told you that you can automate all of your follow up emails with easy to build templates?
“Now it is time to crank up the experience generator and pump out a new fan.”
Well, you can with a software called HubSpot.
Before Hubspot, we had several generic email templates saved in Outlook and had a hard time keeping up with them. HubSpot not only helps you build templates, but they also have a pretty good library of pre-made templates ready to roll.
Let’s run through an example.
Jill has ordered a set of cabinets that she has been waiting several years to order and has decided on you to be her fabricator.
Now it is time to crank up the experience generator and pump out a new fan.
Example Email Sequence
Post Sale Email Template 1 (Day of sale):
Thank the customer for their faith in your company and give them a couple resources. Attach or link to an article that they will love and help you at the same time. For instance, attach current trends in kitchen appliances and simply tell the customer that you will need appliance numbers as soon as possible. We also include a PDF with some great color choices that also happen to be what we stock. 90% of customers pick from that color range.
We're so excited to get started on your [INSERT PROJECT TYPE]. Thanks for choosing us to be your provider, we're truly honored!
I thought of you when I saw this article on current trends in kitchen appliances: [INSERT ARTICLE LINK]
I hope you find some inspiration from it! I personally liked [INSERT OPINION FROM ARTICLE]. Whenever you get a chance, could you send over your kitchen appliance numbers? The sooner the better so we can get started right away!
I also wanted to send over some great color choices for you to browse through. Let me know if any of them catch your eye. Find them in the attached PDF.
If there's anything else I can help with, please reach out to me anytime!
Post Sale Email Template 2 (Sent 2 days after the first email was sent):
This email will automatically send the next template in the string. We use the second email just to remind the customer that we need to finalize drawings so we can move into production. At this point we will give an approximate schedule.
Just wanted to follow up and let you know that we will need to finalize your drawings as soon as possible so we can move your [INSERT PROJECT TYPE] into production.
Have you had a chance to gather your kitchen appliance numbers?
If so, send them over and I'll get your drawings wrapped up right away!
If not, no worries. Just get them to me when you find the time. If you need help locating the numbers, give me a shout an I'll be glad to help!
This email string can be as long as you need and on whatever frequency you choose. HubSpot will also track it for you so you know that the customer received it or if they’ve opened it or not.
I would suggest that you first write out the process you want for follow up. Next, figure out a resource, article, or some bit of information you can offer to keep them thinking about your brand in a positive light. Feel free to get creative and have fun with it.
Weekly Communication
I will just go ahead and tell you that this is the tough one, but if you pull it off right, you will be a hero. You will be in “experience zen” if you can do this step consistently.
“If there is a reason that the cabinet will be late, then this is the time to tell them.”
Every Monday morning, and I mean every Monday morning, I send every single customer an email that simply tells them where the project is in line. I tell them it is about to start, in progress, or nearing final assembly. A customer wants communication. That’s it.
If there is a reason that the cabinet will be late, then this is the time to tell them. You know how your schedule looks and what reality is. If it is looking like you are late and you communicate that, they will appreciate the honesty. They might even find something else to work on while they wait.
I promise this will pay huge dividends if you follow up religiously. Miss one and your customers will notice. I assure you of that.
Don't Miss Out on Reviews
Craft a final set of email templates to wrap the sale up.
An example could be:
Thanks for working with us. It was an absolute pleasure building your [INSERT PROJECT TYPE].
We take pride in the work we do and if you love our product, we would appreciate nothing more than you helping us spread the good word. Click here [INSERT HOUZZ, GOOGLE, OR OTHER REVIEW LINK] to leave us a review of your experience and products.
Those reviews are the fruits of your labor. They are the reward for the investment. If you don’t see a review from that customer, set your template up to send a reminder once or twice each with a new message.
The following stat says it all.
Shut the front door! If you have great reviews from raving fans, both you and the customers win.
raving fans and more sales
Basically, the “Experience Package” boils down to high quality communication. Not just robotic business blah, blah, blah. Have fun with it. Change and improve it when you notice something doesn't work. It will all be worth it when you have a raving fan shouting your praises and new customers because of them!
What does your company do to create raving fans? What holds you back from providing better customer service? Is it production issues that are causing your schedules to run late? Or maybe the quality you're able to produce is not where you would like to see it? Leave any questions or comments in the box below and we will be sure to reply.